Monday, January 14, 2008

YAY!! The Walls are Growing!

Ok, my parents were wonderful enough to make a detour to Lakeland this past weekend and to take a few pictures of my growing house. I am SOOOOO excited!!! ( I won't mention they are also building a house in the same area....=P)
I worked very hard this past weekend in our Lake Worth house trying to get it ready to be sold. It is very close. Most of the major stuff is done.
A BIG YAY!!! goes to my TAMPA SIS for her amazing ability to set a goal and keep on track, well actually setting several goals and staying on track !!
Me on the other hand, I am not doing so well staying on task with my goals. Right now I am house focused and I am not keeping up with my bible many goals and my focus is all wrong. So this morning I changed my schedule. I woke up a little early (5am...yuck )and did my bible study in the morning and my day has gone well; I journaled my eating, my stresses and some goals for the week! I have to say though I have an awesome role model of how to keep on keeping on in my TAMPA SIS!!
This week I have added a goal of getting my resume together. One more step to moving to Lakeland!!
More later....
Lakeland 2 B'ers

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