Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year, New Start

I love the New Year. I always feel as if its a chance to take a deep breath and start afresh things that I didn't do so well the past year. This year three areas are heavy on my heart, no doubt because the Lord has laid them there. First, the complete chaos that my home is in. Due to a crazy busy life, I am not being the manager of my home that God wants me to be. The specific areas that are bugging me are: training my children to keep up with the house/their stuff, having time for friends, having a daily routine, and strenthening my relationship with my husband. (God has already given me some good ideas .. I'll share them if they work. :-) )

Second, I need to continue on my quest for a healthier me. In 2007, I lost 45 pounds. Tomorrow as I weigh in, (weight watchers) I will continue my goal to lose 125 pounds total. I've been working since March, but have dropped the ball most of December. So, my new start will begin tomorrow and I will eat healthier and exercise 4 times next week.

Thirdly and most importantly, my walk with the Lord needs a larger priority in my life. I know how to 'do the God thing' but leaning on God and making time for Him daily is a struggle. My 'new start' began this evening when after I put the kids to bed, before the TV goes on or the email is checked I spend time learning about Him and listening to Him. Tonight I finished day 5 of week 1 of a great Bible Study by Beth Moore called Stepping Up. It's fantastic. I was so challenged by what she said, that I continued my studies by listening to her audio lecture (I LOVE THE INTERNET). I am so encouraged AND convicted. One of those most impactful things she said..."if we don't mean what we are is not worship".

So, that's the 3 focuses for me for the new year. Thank you Lord for refreshing me and thank you Lord that through you I can do these!

Posted by Tampa Sis

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