Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Where did you come from?

"Where did you come from?" is a question my sweet husband often asks my percocious 3 year old. At times, we are just amazed God blessed us with a 3rd baby and a BOY at that.

So this morning, while Steve was climbing into bed after a very long night of work, Sammy jumped in our bed to snuggle (well, really, bounce around but we get a snuggle in there once in a while). Steve posed the typical question to Sammy, who had just climbed into bed.

Steve: "Sammy, where did you come from?"
Sammy: "The floor..."

Too funny, the obvious answer.

Update on Mathew: Katy and I had a great visit with Mathew on Monday. Though Mathew was kind of out of it, Katy greeted him and then spent the rest of her day playing with Andrew and their new puppy. The most precious time of the day occured sitting on the porch with Karen as she talked about the things mom's dread talking about...funeral plans, etc. Please continue to lift this sweet, sweet family in your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved this. And it is just so Sammy! LOL
:-) Suzanne