Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It Started with a Prayer

I'm blogging this for my sis.....
Jennifer has wanted a dog for a long time... being a single, full-time working mom of three young kids, it seemed an impossible task.

She prayed about it and waited.

Then she found out a family needed to find a new home for a sweet dog due to the owner's health declining.
The dog a apricot colored minature poodle, 3 years old....
What about messes on the new carpet?
House trained!
What about having to work all day?
Used to being alone during the day!
What about 3 rowdy kids?
Loves Kids!
It couldn't be a better match and then get this her name.. Penny.
She is now one fifth of the Nichols Family. God does have a sense of humor!
Oh yeah.. and the cost - FREE!
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Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, she is sweet!
Congrats the the Nichols five! :-)

Blooming Where We're Planted said...

Oh my gosh....is she adorable!!!!!!!!!!