Friday, February 22, 2008

Opposites Under the Same Roof

Today we are having a 'lazy' day. I have a cold, Katy has a sore throat AND we have no place to go (because I cancelled our plans). So, I decided to work with Kirsten on her math. Now Kirsten and I have been working through a 2nd grade math book. She finished book A, but before going on to book B, I decided to work with her on her addition and subtraction facts. She understands the process, but gets so overwhelmed with every problem that she just guesses the answer...COMPLETELY and TOTALLY frustrating to her teacher .... me! We sit together in a big rocking chair and do her work, she reads a problem (18-9=) and tears well up in her eyes. We read it outloud and together decide how she will decipher it...we do this same process...every day...over and over... and still her eyes fill with tears! I know this too will pass, but she is so different Katy's math mind.

Katy on the other hand, is a math her! She looks at a word problem and writes the answer without doing the "figuring out". She struggled with long division, but once she figured out the problem!
Today, assuming since she wasnt' feeling good, that she'd take the day off from school. As we were cuddling watching TV, she retreived her math book (part b, exercise 35)... I said, " can have a break from school today.." Her reply..I know mom, but I'll do it just for fun!

How can I (really God) created such opposites! I have to work so hard not to lose my patience with Kirsten, I have to work so hard not to just TELL her the answer, I have to work so hard when teaching Kirsten math. I know God is teaching me through this...I hope I am a good student.

I love the girls God gave me (and the boy)...I pray He gives me what I need to teach them all they need to know... especially how to subtract 18-9=...!


Anonymous said...

I am praying for you my friend - for patience with math as well as quick relief from your cold.
It is an interesting question - who is learning more in homeschooling, the child or the parent. I think every day that God is using homeschooling to teach ME so much.
:-) Hang in there.

Teresa said...

Hey, give her some manipulatives to work with. like, m&ms, pennies, peanuts, marshmallows, etc... it will make it fun again, and will help her figure out the answer without having to just "know it"! :) Praying for you both!! :)

SistersWithThree said...

Teach to make one of the numbers 10 or a multiple of 10. Example: 18 + 9 = Turn 18 into 20 by adding 2, turn 9 into 7 by subtracting 2.

Blooming Where We're Planted said...

There's always my theory...If God had intended us to count beyond ten, He would have given us more fingers!!