Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dreams Come True

Homemade Cake...with HoT PinK icing from Publix...

Royal Fairy Katy!

Princess Kirsten with home made Fairy Wings.

In early January, my girls (7,9) approached me about having a sleepover with their friends for Valentine's Day. My girls love having sleepovers and love hanging out with their friends. So as we talked (they badgered, I bartered) we set a plan...they would forfeit their allowance, do all the work and the clean up. A date was set 2/8/08 and the count down began. Oh, how my girls planned and prayed and prepared for their Royal Fairy Fuzzy Friends Sleepover. Every free minute was spent discussing every last detail to the evening. At times, I thougth I was going to go CRAZY!

So finally the day came and the energy level was HIGH. We started our morning off with a discussion about food, supplies needed and errands that needed to be run. Katy took notes, Kirsten talked details we were ready to go. Errands were done and we were back home making cake and mixing muffins AND doing our text book work for school.
Before the royal friends arrived, both girls told me..."Mom, thanks for making our dreams come true."

After school, we needed to prepare the house. I said simply asked who is going to do what? Both girls volunteered to take care of necessary chores. Because of the training for the past month, they knew what needed to be done AND knew how to do it AND did it willingly.. Thank You Lord!

The Royal Fairy Fuzzy Friends Sleepover was a GREAT success. It wasn't a success because all the planned activities were completed, it was a success because I saw the 'heart's' of my girls friends. Kind, encouraging, sweet, inviting are a few words to describe them. Thank you Lord for giving my girls friends that have YOU in their hearts. And thank you Lord for helping me make my girls' dreams come true.


Blooming Where We're Planted said...

You are so great! Thank you for giving the girls a memory they will never forget!!

Anonymous said...

What a great Mom! Sounds like the party was a total success. :-)
